Say bye to pimples, acne & acne marks quickly before Puja

Say bye to pimples, acne & acne marks quickly before Puja - Keya Seth Aromatherapy

remove acne spots quickly

Pimples, acne & acne marks can hide the charm of even the most beautiful face. To be selfie-ready before puja getting rid of acne & acne spots is essential. You still have few weeks in hand before puja; this time might not be sufficient to completely get rid of full-fledged acne breakouts that need long term treatment but proper treatments can bring difference even within few weeks.

If you are prone to getting pimples & acne, it is important to follow a proper anti-acne regime during this time to ensure that new breakouts do not appear before or during the puja. Proper products & treatments can also be very effective to erase the acne marks & spots from your face. So, let us take a quick look at how you can get rid of pimples, acne & acne spots before Puja. 

Regular CTM should be your mantra

As already mentioned in the article ‘Get brighter, rejuvenated skin before Puja – Tips & Tricksproper Cleansing- Toning & Moisturizing is always the first step to get rid of any skin problems, including acne & acne marks. However, when your primary objective is to fight acne, it is important that you use proper anti-acne products for the CTM routine to get the desired results.


Proper cleansing of the skin is extremely vital to fight acne. Use Fresh Look – Neem & Tulsi face wash twice daily to get the best results.  

cleansing toning and moisturizing


You can prepare an effective anti-acne toner at home by boiling 15-20 fresh neem leaves & 10-12 fresh tulsi leaves in 2 cups of water, till the water gets half. Strain the leaves & store the concoction in the fridge in a glass bottle. Splash the concoction on your face twice daily after cleansing. In case you do not have the time to go through all these procedures, simply use the Neem Water toner from our range. It will help in keeping fresh acne breakouts at bay & will also help in drying up the existing pimples quickly.

Special care for quick healing of acne breakouts

In case, you already have serious acne breakouts on your face you need to include Clear & Clean aqua solution in your daily skin care regime right from today. This pH balanced, essential oil enriched formula controls acne by rebalancing the natural pH of the skin. You should use this solution twice a day along with the Clear Off Anti Pimple Face Pack if your acne condition is serious. The Clear Off range has been specially formulated to treat acne & acne spots quickly.  


Even if you have acne that does not mean that your skin does not need nourishment. So, do not skip moisturizing in fear of getting fresh breakouts. After cleansing & toning your face, apply the Neem Gel which is specifically formulated to meet the needs of acne prone skin. This gel will help not only in subsiding the existing acne but will also prevent fresh pimples & skin allergies.   

Exfoliate your skin religiously but cautiously

exfoliation removes acne marks

For skin with acne, exfoliation can be tricky. When there is active acne breakouts, it is not suggested to scrub the top skin of the acne in any way. However, once the acne has subsided exfoliation is the most effective way to get rid of the unwanted spots left by it. Exfoliating your skin properly with the right product is most effective to control breakouts as it helps in clearing the skin pores, preventing formation of fresh acne & pimples. For anyone with acne or acne scars, Skin Eraser – Liquid Scrubber Neem is the best exfoliator.

Home treatments to get rid of acne spots & marks

Some natural home treatments can be very effective to get rid of acne spots & pigmentation. Check out the best ones that are really effective,

Honey & Oatmeal pack for acne

honey and oatmeal pack for acne

For removing acne scars & marks, honey & oatmeal pack added with few drops of fresh lemon juice can be really effective. Soak 3 spoons of oatmeal in little water for 5 minutes & then add 2 spoons of honey to it. Finally add few drops of lemon juice & apply the pack onto your face. Leave on for 15 minutes and then first rub your face lightly with wet hands & then wash off with excess water.

Pure honey is a natural anti-bacterial agent & has excellent skin nourishing properties. Oatmeal on the other hand, absorbs excess oil from the skin & offers exfoliation. The lemon juice added to the pack helps in lightening the acne marks & spots.    

Turmeric & Aloe Vera for acne treatment

turmeric and aloevera for acne

To control acne breakouts turmeric & Aloe Vera pack can be an effective solution. Make a smooth paste with 4inch of fresh turmeric root & add 1 spoon of pure Aloe Vera juice to it. While turmeric works as an effective natural anti-bacterial as well as skin lightening agent, Aloe Vera nourishes the skin helping it to repair quickly.

Apply this pack on to your face, let it dry for 15 minutes & then remove by rubbing with your wet hands. Finally wash off with excess water.     

While the home treatments for acne & acne marks can be really effective, they might not be sufficient to help you get rid of these irritating spots & pigmentation quickly before Puja. For that it is only wise to opt for a well-formulated anti-acne pack like the Clear Off Anti Pimple Face Pack.   

Spot-treatment for acne marks

acne spot treatment

If you have some prominent acne marks or spots on your face, it is best to use the Skin Lightening Lotion on those spots regularly from now on to get rid of them before Puja. This potent spot removal system enriched with essential oils of nutmeg & carrot seed erases even the stubborn acne marks quickly & efficiently on regular use.    

With the increasing amount of pollution in the environment proper skin care has become really essential to ward off problems like pimple & acne. You might not have time for following a regular, detailed skin care regime but if you want your skin to stay free from these long term mark causing menaces, regular skin cleansing & proper exfoliation at regular intervals are must. Choose the cleanser & exfoliator with care & use them religiously. Hormonal imbalance or digestive problems can also trigger acne & pimples. Apsara can be very helpful to cleanse the system internally, helping you to achieve pimple free, glowing & healthy skin.      


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